The harm of acid dew point low temperature corrosion and the importance of using acid dew point analyzer

In power plants, reducing the temperature of the flue according to the routine will cause the flue to be corroded by acid. Common hazards include dust blockage, corrosion, and air leakage.

For example:

Air preheaters, because the wall temperature is below the acid dew point, cause severe corrosion. See Figure 01.

The harm of acid dew point low1

Heat exchangers made of ND corrosion-resistant steel have severe corrosion in less than a year because the wall temperature is lower than the acid dew point.

See Figure 02.

 The harm of acid dew point low2

After using Nernst’s in-line acid dew point analyzer, real-time acid dew point values can be accurately determined, the heat exchanger operates for one year without corrosion or ash, and the discharge temperature is lowered.See Figure 03.

The harm of acid dew point low3

Post time: Apr-13-2023